Terms of Service

Croady LLC (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) offers services under the “Croady” brand, which include storing information on cloud servers and sharing the stored information among multiple users through a platform. By using this service, users agree to the Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as “the Terms”)

Article 1: Definitions of Terms

The following terms in these regulations shall have the meanings set forth below unless otherwise specified:

  • (1) “Service”

    Refers to Croady provided by the Company through the network.

  • (2) “User”

    Refers to individuals, corporations, or organizations that agree to these regulations, select a service plan for Croady, sign up on the website, and enter into a service usage contract with the Company. Sub-account users of the Enterprise Plan are also included as “Users.”

  • (3) “Information”

    Refers to documents, photos, videos, messages, etc., that Users store in Croady’s cloud storage. This information cannot be edited on the cloud storage.

  • (4) “Information Sharing”

    Refers to making the “Information” stored by Users in the cloud storage viewable, downloadable, and copyable by other Users. Other Users cannot edit or delete the shared information. Information sharing with individuals who do not have a Croady account is not possible. Information sharing is done on a per-document, photo, video, message, or folder basis.

  • (5) “Link”

    Refers to the connection between Users on the system to share information stored in the cloud storage with other Users or to receive shared information from other Users. The role of the User sharing the information is called “Owner,” and the role of the User receiving the shared information is called “Viewer.” Users can have both “Owner” and “Viewer” roles and can share and receive information with multiple other Users. To establish a link, a link request must be sent to the other user, and the request must be approved by the receiving user. There are two types of link requests: one to make the other party a “Viewer” and one to make the other party an “Owner.” When linking the other party as a “Viewer,” the User simultaneously becomes the “Owner” of the other user. When linking the other party as an “Owner,” the User simultaneously becomes the “Viewer” of the other user. The User receiving the request can approve or deny the request. Users can freely share documents, photos, etc., with other Users linked as “Viewers.” Users can freely receive shared documents, photos, etc., from other Users linked as “Owners.” It is also possible to cancel a link once established.

  • (6) “Number of Links”

    The number of links is counted as one unit for each link request and its approval. When User A shares information with User B, A needs to link B as a “Viewer” (B will have A as an “Owner”). Additionally, if A wants to receive information from B, A needs to link B as an “Owner” separately (B will have A as a “Viewer”). In other words, to mutually (bidirectionally) share information between User A and User B, two links are required.

Article 2: Application and Registration Methods for the Service
  • Individuals, corporations, or organizations wishing to use the service shall sign up by entering the required information in the application form on our website.
  • The Company will review the application in accordance with the Terms of Service and our standards. If the Company approves the use of the service, it will notify the applicant based on the Terms of Service. The service contract is established when we issue a notice of acceptance of the application. This process is instantaneous through the system.

Article 3: Service Plans
  • 1. Free Owner Plan: Provides 2GB of data storage. Users can connect with up to 100 other Croady users to share or receive information. Chat usage is also available.
  • 2. Professional Plan: For a monthly fee of ¥1,200, provides 20GB of data storage. Users can connect with up to 500 other Croady users to share or receive information. Chat usage is also available. The first 30 days are free.
  • 3. Startup Plan: For a monthly fee of ¥6,000, provides 200GB of data storage. Users can connect with up to 1,000 other Croady users to share or receive information. Chat usage is also available. The first 30 days are free.
  • 4. Business Plan: For a monthly fee of ¥12,000, provides 1TB of data storage. Users can connect with up to 5,000 other Croady users to share or receive information. Chat usage is also available. The first 30 days are free.
  • 5. Enterprise Plan: Suitable for collaborative use by a large number of people within an organization. For a monthly fee of ¥20,000, provides 2TB of data storage. Up to 1,000 sub-accounts can be set up, allowing up to 1,000 people to use the service collaboratively. Sub-account users can also store information and share information with other users. The main account can control the domain of sub-account ID addresses, control links within and outside the organization, check usage status, change available storage capacity, and suspend or delete accounts. The main account and all sub-accounts can connect with up to 10,000 other Croady users to share or receive information. Chat usage is also available. The first 30 days are free.
  • 6. Plans can be changed according to the amount of information and the number of people sharing.
  • 7. Any changes to the content or fees of each plan will be announced on the website

Article 4: Conditions for the Free Owner Plan

If all of the following conditions (1), (2), and (3) are met for a continuous period of six months, the Croady may delete the Free Owner Plan account as an unused account. Once the account is deleted, the user will no longer be able to log in with the ID and password set for the account. Account deletion signifies the termination of the service contract, and the information stored in the cloud storage will be deleted. Re-signing up with the same ID (email address) is not possible.

  • 1. No information has been uploaded.
  • 2. No new links have been created.
  • 3. No information shared by other users has been viewed.

Article 5: Conditions for the Enterprise Plan

If a sub-account is deleted by the main account, the user will no longer be able to log in with the ID and password set for the sub-account. The information stored in the cloud storage by the sub-account will be deleted. Re-signing up with the same ID (email address) is not possible. The control of these sub-accounts by the main account is the responsibility of the plan signed up user.

Article 6: Use of IP Address Location Information

The location information of the user’s IP address is used to determine the display language and display time on the web. The location information will not be used for purposes other than the service.

Article 7: Service Usage Fees and Payment Methods

Users shall pay the monthly fee for the service, based on the selected plan, using the payment method specified by Croady.

Article 8: Management of Registration Information at Signup
  • 1. The information registered by users at the time of signup will be appropriately stored and managed under the supervision of Croady and will not be used for purposes other than the service.
  • 2. The service becomes available by logging into the Croady website with the ID (email address) and password registered at the time of signup. Users are responsible for appropriately managing their registration information, including their ID and password, to prevent unauthorized use by others. In principle, any damages resulting from the use of this information by third parties outside the Company’s control will be the responsibility of the user.

Article 9: Temporary Suspension of Service
  • 1. Croady may temporarily suspend the provision of the service in the following cases:
    • (1) When necessary for the maintenance, construction, or relocation of the Company’s facilities, etc.
    • (2) When a natural disaster or other emergency occurs or is likely to occur, and it is necessary to prioritize the Company’s investigation of the system.
    • (3) When the Company determines that it is necessary to suspend the service for other reasonable reasons.
  • 2. If Croady suspends the provision of the service, it will notify users by a method deemed appropriate by us (including, but not limited to, display on the website, email notification, etc.). However, this does not apply in cases of emergency or unavoidable circumstances.
  • 3. Users will not be entitled to any compensation or indemnification for any disadvantages caused by the temporary suspension.

Article 10: Changes and Termination of Service
  • 1. The Company may change part or all of the service content at any time.
  • 2. If the Company decides to terminate the service, it will provide users with a grace period deemed necessary for users to transfer their saved data externally and notify users (including, but not limited to, display on the website, email notification, etc.) before terminating the service. After the grace period has passed and the service is terminated, the company will not be legally responsible for any damages, including the loss of saved data, and will not provide any compensation or indemnification.
  • 3. If the Company makes significant changes to the service, it will notify users by a method deemed appropriate by the Company (including, but not limited to, display on the website, email notification, etc.).

Article 11: Support for Service Use

The Company will provide support for the use of the service by setting up an inquiry desk on the website.

Article 12: Ownership of Rights

Intellectual property rights that users had prior to agreeing to these terms and intellectual property rights obtained through the use of the service, unless otherwise agreed between the Company and the user, belong to the user. All other intellectual property rights related to this website and the service belong to the Company. The permission to use the service based on these regulations does not grant any license to use any intellectual property rights to the service users.

Article 13: User Responsibility for Information Sharing

Information sharing is carried out at the discretion and responsibility of the user. The Company will not provide any compensation or indemnification for any losses or secondary losses incurred by users due to the handling of information by other users with whom information has been shared.

Article 14: User Obligations

Service users must not engage in the following actions:

  • 1. Actions that violate the matters described in these terms.
  • 2. Actions that infringe or are likely to infringe the intellectual property rights of the Company’s service users or third parties.
  • 3. Actions that infringe or are likely to infringe the property, privacy, portrait rights, or other legal interests of the Company, service users, or third parties.
  • 4. Actions that alter or delete electronic information on the website related to the service, stored data, or other cloud storage.
  • 5. Actions that develop harmful computer programs such as viruses.
  • 6. Actions that illegally access server facilities connected to the Company.
  • 7. Actions that interfere with or are likely to interfere with the provision of the service (including infecting with viruses).
  • 8. Actions that violate or are likely to violate laws and regulations.
  • 9. Actions that significantly inconvenience other service users or third parties or are socially unacceptable.
  • 10. Actions that impersonate others to use the service.
  • 11. Actions that provide obscene images, child pornography, or child abuse images, videos, audio, or documents.
  • 12. Actions that provide information that is cruel, such as scenes of human killings, images of animal killing or abuse, or other information that is likely to cause significant disgust to others based on social norms.
  • 13. Other actions that the Company deems inappropriate as a service user.

Article 15: Temporary Suspension and Deletion of User Accounts

If the user violates the previous article or delays the payment of usage fees, the Company will temporarily suspend or delete the user’s account and terminate the usage contract. When an account is temporarily suspended, login with the ID and password set for that account will not be possible. Links with other users will continue to function. When an account is deleted, login with the ID and password set for that account will not be possible, and information stored in the cloud storage will be deleted. Additionally, re-signing up with the same ID (email address) will not be possible. For enterprise plans, if a sub-account user commits a violation, the sub-account or main account may be temporarily suspended or deleted. Temporary suspension or deletion of the main account will similarly affect all sub-accounts.

Article 16: Termination of Service Use and Deletion of Stored Content

Users can terminate the service use at any time through the procedures on the Croady website. There will be no charges after termination. Fees paid up to the termination will not be refunded. After termination, login with the same ID and password will not be possible. Additionally, signing up with the same email address (which serves as the ID) will not be possible. When a user terminates the service use, the user’s stored data in the cloud storage will be deleted 30 days after the termination date.

Article 17: Interruption of Cloud Services

In the event that the user is unable to use the services under the service use contract for a considerable period due to reasons attributable to the Company, we will be liable for compensation up to the amount equivalent to one month’s most recent payment by the user. However, the Company shall not be liable for any damages arising from reasons not attributable to the Company, special circumstances regardless of the Company’s foreseeability, or lost profits.

Article 18: Disclaimer

The Company’s legal liability for events where the services cannot be used shall be limited to the scope defined in the preceding article. Furthermore, the following reasons are considered not attributable to our company, and our company shall not be legally liable for any damages incurred by the contractor due to these reasons:

  • 1. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis, floods, outbreaks of infectious diseases, wars, civil wars, and riots.
  • 2. Orders from administrative or judicial authorities to suspend operations.
  • 3. Malfunctions of the user’s equipment.
  • 4. Malfunctions of software operating on the user’s computer.
  • 5. Malfunctions in the user’s environment.
  • 6. Malfunctions in the settings applied by the user to our service environment and computers.
  • 7. Malfunctions in the user’s network connection to access the services.
  • 8. Unauthorized operations by the user.

Article 19: Company Rights in Relation to the Operation of Usage Regulations

For the purpose of operating these usage regulations, the Company reserves the right to access users’ accounts and review storage information as necessary. The information obtained through this right will not be used for purposes other than the operation of these usage regulations.

Article 20: Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces

In relation to the service usage contract, the Company declares and guarantees that neither it nor its officers (regardless of their titles, including advisors, consultants, executive officers, and others recognized as participating in management in practice) and employees fall under any of the following categories (hereinafter referred to as “Anti-Social Forces”) and will not fall under them in the future, and that they do not and will not have any relationship with Anti-Social Forces:

  • 1. Those listed in the “Guidelines for Countermeasures against Organized Crime” by the National Police Agency, such as organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, quasi-members of organized crime groups, companies affiliated with organized crime groups, corporate racketeers, groups engaging in criminal activities under the pretext of social movements, and special intelligence violence groups, as well as those equivalent to these.
  • 2. Those who have a deep relationship with the persons listed in the preceding item, such as providing funds or conveniences, or using them for the purpose of obtaining illegal profits.

Article 21: Prohibition of Transfer of User Status
  • Service users shall not transfer, assign, or offer as collateral their rights and obligations under these Terms of Use or the service usage contract without prior written consent from the Company.
  • If a service user transfers, assigns, or offers as collateral their rights and obligations under the service usage contract or these Terms of Use in violation of the preceding paragraph, and as a result, the Company incurs costs or damages, the service user shall be obligated to pay the Company for the costs, including reasonable attorney fees, and compensate for the damages.

Article 22: Protection of Personal Information

The Company shall appropriately manage the personal information of service users in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law.

Article 23: Validity Period of This Usage Contract

This usage contract shall terminate upon the end of the user’s use of the service.

Article 24: Changes to These Regulations
  • In the event of changes to these regulations, unless otherwise specified in these regulations, the changed regulations shall also apply to usage contracts already concluded.
  • In the event of changes to these regulations, details of the changes will be posted on the Company’s website (https://www.croady.com/).

Article 25: Governing Law

These regulations shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Japanese law.